
Shop Locator

Drive faster returns to service with TransmetriQ's railcar repair shop locator

Identify the Optimal Repair Shop in Seconds

When your cars are unexpectedly out of service, you need to get them in and out of a repair shop fast. But what if your car is outside of your service area?

TransmetriQ’s Shop Locator enables you to select, contact, and review quotes from shops in just a few clicks, taking into account shop distance, capabilities, carrier, and more.

TransmetriQ_Shop Locator
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View Open EHMS, DDCT, and Other Alerts
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Filter Equipment in Tables or Search by Map
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Access Trip & Equipment History
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Auto-Include Alerts on Shop Requests
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Send Shopping Requests with One Click

How it Works

  • Filter shops based on desired distance from car, serving carriers, services offered, next loaded location and more.
  • Initiate shopping requests without leaving TransmetriQ
  • Simplify shopping requests with auto-included car health alerts and requested work comments
  • Compare shop responses within the TransmetriQ Platform
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