Lease Management
Reliable lease document storage and performance reporting
Insights Across Leases, Health and More
Store & Report on Critical Lease Data
Key Lease Terms & Dates: Master agreement, rider ID, termination dates, mileage restrictions, repair responsibility, and more
Quickly Identify Status: Understand leased car location, status, open alerts, upcoming action dates, and more
Track Lease Performance: Save time analyzing lease performance, mileage accruals, and maintenance spend
Powerful Insights at the Intersection of Lease, Repair and Movement Data
Make Informed Leasing Decisions
TransmetriQ integrates your lease data with health, maintenance, location and other data, making it easy to monitor upcoming lease expirations and automate leasing support tasks such as mileage overage analysis.
Never miss a critical date or pay for maintenance you aren't responsible for with better visibility into lease data.