Rail Rate & Route
Reduce transportation time and costs by selecting the best route every time. Easily compare route options by distance, cost, serving road and more. All you need to know is your origin and destination.
Find the Optimal Route, Every Time
It can take hours to determine route options and a true cost. With TransmetriQ's new Rate & Route search tool, that's all at your fingertips and accessible in seconds. Simply enter an origin and destination by city, SPLC, or station and compare distance, cost, railroad, and more.
Accurate Routing Options Powered by Our Exclusive Shipment History
Leveraging our exclusive shipment history, TransmetriQ provides both the waybill route and operational route you can expect to see.
Our Database
Compare Any Commodity, for Any Route, on Any Railroad
TransmetriQ-Managed Public Tariffs
Custom Contract Rate Upload & Storage
Search Based on City, Station and More
Compare Results by Cost, Distance, and Railroads
View Waybill vs Operational Route
Rate Management, Done for You
Not only does TransmetriQ provide public tariffs, but it also stores custom rates and accessorial costs. With a thorough understanding of true transportation cost in one place, you'll save hours building rates and can easily make the most cost and distance effective decisions.
- Upload and store custom contract rates by road and commodity
- Enter and name custom accessorial charges
- Public tariff price changes are managed by TransmetriQ, ensuring rates are always up-to-date
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