Deciphering CID Errors: Causes and How to Correct

If you’re one of the many shops managing errors and rejections each month, you’re not alone. The Car Repair Billing Data Exchange rejects many files each month. This article provides a guide to managing one of the most confusing error categories: Component IDs (CIDs).

Why are CID errors confusing?

To start, there are eight CID errors. 1V, 2V, 3V, 1Y, 2Y, 3Y, 4Y and 5Y. To correct the error, you first have to understand what the error was, meaning the difference between each CID error. When looking at the CID rules in the CRB Procedures  Manual, it can be overwhelming to try to decipher the differences. We find that it’s useful to group the CID errors by category instead.

Types of CID Errors

Missed CID Entry: Errors 1V and 3V

For certain job code combinations, the AAR component ID must not be blank. Job codes requiring a component ID are identified in the AAR Price Master.

To correct these, you’ll have to go back to your Original Record of Repair and attempt to find the correct CID.  This is often challenging, as once equipment leaves the shop, you can’t get it back to record the CID.

Blog_CID Indicator Chart

Where to find the requirement to include a CID code as shown by the AAR Price Master (AAR Price Master).

Invalid Formatting: Error 2V

This error means that the CID is not in the AAR standard bar code format. The correct format is a four-character company code, which can be letters and numbers, followed by a 10-digit number. For example:

Blog_AAR CID Format

The proper AAR CID code format as shown by the AAR Office Manual (AAR Office Manual)

CID Is not Registered in Umler®: Error 3Y

This response means that the CID appears to not be registered with Umler®. All CIDs should be registered in the Umler Component Registry. Often, the issue is that the CID was not entered in the repair record correctly, and therefore appears to not be registered in Umler. It could also be that the CID was not properly registered, so to solve this second issue, you’ll need to complete a field registration of the component.


CID Must be Unique Within an Invoice: Error 4Y

This error means that a biller input the same CID for multiple repairs. A CID cannot be used more than once.


How to Quickly and Easily Identify the Type of CID Error

Typically, you would need to read the full rule in the CRB Procedures Manual and decipher the language. But, luckily for you, we’ve summarized the CID rules.

Error Code Meaning
1V CID cannot be blank
2V Invalid CID format (must be alpha/numeric and 10 numeric)
3V CID is required if job code requires CID and repair date is after mandatory DX reject date
1Y Informational edit if the repair date is prior to the mandatory reject date and CID format is incorrect
2Y Informational edit if the repair date is prior to the mandatory reject date and CID format is incorrect
3Y Must be a registered CID
4Y Must be unique within the invoice
5Y If billed using a job code for a purchased core wheel set, then component must be registered as a purchased core wheel set


These rules apply to detail sources BR, DC, DR, JI, JR, OT, RE, and SH.

With this resource, you’ll be able to quickly determine your error code’s meaning and reference how to fix it, if needed.

Regardless, this is a lot of information to manage manually. The best practice is to have all rules and proper formatting automatically managed by your car repair billing software. This makes recording and billing for repairs easier and more accurate. Learn how our repair management software, CarLogix, can simplify your repair management process here.

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